Hey guys new giveaway for September. The giveaway includes a $25 Sephora Gift Card and Natural hair products to be announced. The winner will be announced Oct. 15th, 2016!!!! The 3 rules are as follows: Must be 18 0r older.. 1. Visit and Enter your Email for updates. 2. Subscribe to my Youtube channel 3. Share on …

Reminder:You are beautiful !!!

A message on Self-Love… Hey loves, I just want to spread the word about self love. Let’s be honest beauty is in the eye of the beholder but you are beautiful regardless of what people around you may say. Now a days it’s all about the trends. “Is Kim Kardashian doing it?”  It’s all about …

Clean my Pores !!!

Try it here !! Hey guys. I think I got to a point where I was washing my face daily, exfoliating every other day and felt like my face wash still dirty. I could see stuff trying to come out my pores but they wouldn’t budge. I would squeeze those pores so hard my face …

Nice words !!

Friends? Couples? Dating? Married? and etc, How do you talk to your friends? How do you talk to your girlfriend when your happy? How about when your sad? Or even angry? This topic came to me as I recently had a young couple call me up because they were have a disagreement, which is normal in …